Hallway Conversations

A Podcast by Developers for Developers

Hallway Conversations - A Podcast by Developers for Developers

Episode 018 – Can’t We All Just Get Along? (WCF vs WebAPI) with Miguel Castro

Windows Communication Foundation. ASP.NET WebAPI. Two very different approaches to the same thing or designed to solve very different problems? In this episode the Hallway Conversations team sits down with Miguel Castro to explore whether WCF is to be considered an or with WebAPI or an and. Is it SOAP vs. REST or SOAP and REST?

We’ll discuss the origins of each approach to remote services, understand their similarities as well as their differences, and try to come to agreement on when you might best choose one approach over the other. We’ll also spend some time discussing the relationship between topics at developer conferences vs. adoption of a technology in the real world as well as investigate what it really might means when the marketing effort around a technology starts to wind down a bit over time.

If you’re building applications that need to talk to services (and let’s face it, in today’s interconnected world what developer isn’t doing this on a regular basis?), then you owe it to yourself to listen to this episode before you make your next choice of service architecture!


Whether playing on the local Radio Shack’s TRS-80 or designing systems for clients around the globe, Miguel has been writing software since he was 12 years old. He keeps himself heavily involved in every aspect, layer, nook, and cranny of app development and would not have it any other way.
