Hallway Conversations

A Podcast by Developers for Developers

Hallway Conversations - A Podcast by Developers for Developers

Episode 041 – Web Performance Optimization with Chris Love

In today’s world, your web site is at least at likely to be consumed on a low-power, low-speed, small form-factor mobile device as on a larger, high-powered desktop PC with a large screen, fast processor, and lightning-quick internet connection.  In this climate, optimizing your web site for performance and speed isn’t a luxury –its a necessity!

In this episode, the Hallway Conversations team chats with Chris Love about the many tips and tricks that developers often overlook when building web sites.  Optimizing your site for performance isn’t a matter of doing one big thing right, but more a matter of doing a lot of little things that can collectively add up to huge improvements in speed and throughput.

Using our own http://hallwayconversations.com site as a test-case, Chris takes us all through the process of evaluating and tuning your site designs to maximize performance on lower-bandwidth devices — if you want to build web sites for the modern era, you need to listen to the advice Chris shares with us in this episode!


Chris has over 20 years — yes, that’s right — of web development experience. He has built a wide variety of web sites and applications in those years. In recent years he has begun to immerse himself in the modern, single page web application space. This has giving him some amazing experiences using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS and responsive design. Currently he is obsessed with modern web and mobility to help solve the problems many enterprises are having adapting to the rapidly changing technology landscape. He has authored 3 books, including his latest, High Performance Single Page Web Applications. He is an 8 time ASP.NET MVP, ASP Insider and Internet Explorer User Agent. Chris regularly speaks at user groups, code camps and other developer events. He Blogs at http://love2dev.com.
